Sunday, December 04, 2005

Ciao Chico !!

At last common sense prevails and Chico gets the boot from the X-factor. I felt that this weeks show was a bit lack-lustre in many ways. At least we're at the stage where the person that goes is the one that gets the lowest number of votes. No more ego voting by the bloody judges.

So, I still like Journey South best - although this week both of their songs left me a bit cold. Brenda was outstanding and Shayne was pretty good too. Andy seems to be fading a little compared to Brenda. And Chico - well I don't hate him any more, he's a fun guy but someone had to go. And it would have been an absolute travesty had one of the remaining four gone instead of him.

So my prediction for the final four order is now:

Winner: Brenda
Second: Shayne
Third: Journey South
Fourth: Andy

I'd love to Journey South win it - but I don't see it happening.

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