Friday, November 11, 2005

TGIF ... sort of !!

Well, it's Friday which is good since "the weekend starts here" as they say. However, it is currently bad as I am still in Leeds with a prospect of a couple of hours on the road yet before the weekend really starts for ME !!

This week I have been on a training course, which is great, nice to meet new people, learn new stuff and so on. I got to stay in a nice place and a change of scenery is always nice - a change is as good as a rest and all that. However, what is less pleasant is the truncation of the working week into the two remaining days - which is partly why I am still here in Leeds at almost 5pm on a Friday.

For me, the distance between my place of work and my home is my biggest gripe about my job. Yes, of course, I have other gripes, but I think that they would diminish significantly if I was at home more.

But the bottom line is, there is no point me leaving here yet - because I'll just end up sitting on the motorway for 3-4 hours instead of 2 hours. But I really don't feel much inclined to do much more work today so instead I have decided to BLOG !!

So, on a more upbeat and fun note - I didn't quite remember at 9am this morning - but I just ordered tickets to and see "The Darkness" in Nottingham in February next year. I'm expecting a really fun night out and it just happens to be in the same week as the X-factor concert in Nottingham.

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