Sunday, November 20, 2005

X-factor - Nicholas goes

I am feeling all self-righteous since I got the X-factor result right last night. My favourites Journey South are still in there and are without doubt the front runners as far as musicianship is concerned. Chico - well, I've gone from hating him to loving him and he'll probably win it at the moment.

But I have to say that I was pleased to see Nicholas go last night - I have never "got him" and it was the first time that so far this series that I thought that the judges got it right.

It's a mockery really - all three of them said before this series started that it was not about them, it was about the contestants. But frankly the in-fighting between them this year has been worse. And Louis Walsh in my view is a complete joke.

He is totally inconsistent and has nothing of value to say about any of his own acts. He introduces them every week with the same, tired, disinterested, uncaring, twee little catchphrase such as "He's a young guy, he's cool, he's Nicholas". There is no way that this guy should be allowed in front of a camera.

I have a lot more time for Sharon - although she's fallen into the banal reason trap at least once "I kept Chenai in because she is a woman". Well, duhhhhh !!

Simon's the only one that has any integrity in my view. He gives an honest appraisal of every performance every time as far as I can tell.

And you know what? I don't think that this is just my ranting - watch the contestants, they respect Simon's views. What they really care about is what Simon says about them.

They're not stupid - unlike Louis.

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